.CP    AGA  :Habit, custom, way of acting

EFU    Aga. :Conduite, coutume, usage, habitude (Mfr)
EUV    Aga. :Nature, coutume, usage (Btn)
MAE    Aga/fua/. :Free of tapu (Cpl)
MAO    Anga. :Aspect (Wms)
NFO    Anga. :Nature (Tmo)
NIU    Aga. :Habit, way of acting, behaviour; custom, tradition (Sph)
NKO    Anga. :Prototype, model (Crl)
PUK    Anga/anga. :Habit, behaviour (archaic) (Sby)
REN    Anga. :Look like, resemble (Ebt)
ROT    Aga. :Usage, custom (Cwd)
SAM    Aga. :Conduct, way of acting (Prt)
SAM    Aga/a/nu'u. :Custom (s) (Mnr)
TIK    Anga. :Orientation, inclination (Fth)
TOK    Aga. :Habit, custom (Sma)
TON    Anga. :Habit, custom (Cwd)
TON    Anga. :Habit, custom, knack; the disposition or temper of the mind; place or situation of any thing (Mar)
TVL    Aga. :Custom, way of acting (Rby)
PIL    Anga/nga. :Behaviour (pl) (Hvn)