.PN    EQA.A :Come to the surface, appear above the surface; come up for air
*8     Note. WEV not attested by (Hmn).
EFU    'Ea. :Appear (Bgs)
EFU    E/ea. :Déborder (liquide par pression sur le contenant) (Mfr)
EUV    'Ea. :Outre-perce. Perce de part en part (Rch)
EAS    E'a. :Come out, get up. Risen (perfect aspect); go out (Wbr). (Fts)
MAE    Ea. :To surface, come up for air (Cpl)
HAW    Ea. :Rise, go up, become erect; sovereignty, independance; life, breath, spirit (Pki)
KAP    Ae. :To broach the surface of the water, to surface (fish) (Lbr)
MVA    Ea. Eea (Rch).. :Take in air (of a diver). Respirer (se dit des plongeurs, qui remontent sur l'eau pour respirer). Jaillir, sourdre. (Jnu)
MVA    A/ea/ea. :Avoir de la peine à respirer; être essouflé, hors d'haleine (Rch)
MVA    Mi'/ea. :Déborder (vase trop plein) (Rch)
MVA    Eea/eea. :Matière marine dont se nourrit le petit poisson *eve* (Rch)
MQA    Ea, ea (a)'e. Eea (Mtu).. :Rise to surface of water. Reparaître sur l'eau (Dln)
MQA    Ea. :Etre satisfait, respirer un moment, avoir un moment de relâche (Lch)
MQA    Ea te menava (MQN), ha'/ea te menava (MQS). :Souffler (quand on sort de l'eau); breathe (on emerging from the water) (Chf)
MQA    Ea/ea. :Matière visqueuse que l'on trouve sur mer et qui semble jouir de la vie (Dln)
MAO    Ea. :Appear above surface of water, horizon (of heavenly bodies); reappear (Bgs)
NIU    Ea. :Rise, appear, emerge (Sph)
NKO    Ea. :To surface (while swimming); to be on the surface of the water, stop swimming (Crl)
PEN    Ea. :Rise to surface of water (Sta)
PUK    Ea. :Emerge; rise to the surface (Mta)
RAR    Ea. :Rise to the surface (Bse)
REN    E'a. :Appear, come, go, arrive, penetrate (Ebt)
SAM    Ea. :Rise to the surface (Prt)
SIK    Eea. :To appear above the surface of the water, as coral at low tide. (Dnr)
TAK    Ea. :Shallow water inside the lagoon where the bottom is clearly visible (Mle)
TOK    Ea. :Surface (v); look up, raise (the head) (Sma)
TON    E'a. :Show v., exposed, to be (Cwd)
TUA    Ea. :Emerge, appear, rise (Stn)
TVL    Ea. :Rise, grow (as a sandbank) (Rby)
PIL    Eaa. :Come up, emerge, go up (Hvn)
PIL    Ea. :Come (to surface) (Ebt)
WFU    Ko/e. :To appear out of the water (Cpl)
WUV    Ea. :Emerge above surface (Hmn)