.NP FAKA-PILI :Bring close together, stay close to; attach, join, put together *0 < PN *faka-, *pili.1B (or 1A) EAS Hakapiri. :Juntar, unir, conglutinar, pegar una cosa con otra; reunir a personas; reconciliar personas (Egt) HAW Ho'opili. :To bring together, stick; to attach oneself to a person; united, as friends;...to put together, as parts of a puzzle (Pki) KAP Hagabili. :Guide (one's hand) to an object (Lbr) KAP Haga/a/bili. :Loincloth; makeshift, to do or tie temporarily, to jerry-rig (Lbr) KAP Haka/a/piri. :Ancient breadfruit-bark gee-string (Ebt) MVA 'Akapiiri. :Fréquenter qn., s'allier avec qn.; raccomoder un habit peu déchiré; appliquer qc. (un remède, de la chaux, du mortier) (Rch) MQA Hakapií. :Réunir, faire assembler, convoquer; aborder, accoster; fréquenter (Dln) MAO Whakapiri. :Stick, fasten; keep close to (Wms) RAR 'Akapiri. :Make man and wife join, marry; unite (Bse) RAR 'Akapiri/piri. :Come close, crowd together, cram up (Bse) REN Hakapigi('aki). :To stay with or near; to put in with or alongside, add; to be due to or caused by (Ebt) TAH Ha'apiri. :Serrer [ex. écriture] (Aca) TUA Hakapiri. :To cling, keep close to (Stn)