.PN    GAQESE :Rustle: *gaqese~gaseqe~gasese
*1     Cf. TO *gahaha "rattle, rustle"
EAS    9a'ehe. :Noise; great and continuous noise (Fts)
EAS    9a'ehe/'ehe. :A plant (Crotolaria striata). Dry seeds in the shell produce a peculiar noise when the branches sway (Fts)
MAE    Rau gasee. :Feuille de bananier sèches (Rve)
MAE    Gasee/see. :Rustle, rattle (Rve)
MFA    Gasee. :Make a small dry sound; rustle, crackle, scrape (Clk)
MVA    Ge'e. :Bruit de feuilles sèches, de papier (Rch)
MAO    Ngaehe. :Rustle, murmur (Wms)
MAO    Ngahehe. :Rustle, murmur (Wms)
RVV    Gaaehe/ehe. :To make a soft rustling or rattling sound (Stn)
RAR    Ngae'e. :Rustling or tapping sound as of wind among leaves (Bse)
REN    Nga'ese('ese). :Rustle, tap (Ebt)
SAM    Gasee(see). :Rustle (Prt)
SAM    Gasee. :Rustle (Prt)
TAH    'Ahehe. :Bruissement, comme le bruit d'animaux dans le feuillage, ou le bruit du vent remuant des feuilles sèches (Lmt)
TIK    Ngase. :Rustling, dribbling, rattling sound (Fth)
TOK    Gahee. :Make or cause a rustling or crackling sound (Sma)
TON    Ngahehe. :(Make) rustling/swishing sound (Cwd)
TUA    9aaehe. :Rustle, make a soft, silky sound; whistle (as wind) (Stn)
WFU    9asese/masi. :Tapa, native cloth (Cpl)