.FJ    LEU  :Ripe

ANU    Re/reu. :Ripe (of fruits growing above the ground) (Fbg)
EFU    Leu. :Ripe (Bgs)
EUV    Leu. :Mur, fait (Btn)
FIJ    Dreu. :Ripe (Cpl)
MFA    Reu. :Very ripe, as a banana (Clk)
KAP    Rheu. :Ripe (Ebt)
KAP    Leu. :Ripen (Lbr)
OJA    Huki e/leu. :Ripe banana (Smd)
NGR    Hu/leu. :Ripe (Ray)
NGR    Reu (pl. rreu). :Ripe, mature (of fruits); ripen, get ripe (Dvl)
NKM    L/leu. :Ripe (plural) (Trt)
NKO    Leu. :Ripe (Crl)
PEN    Reu. :Maturation stage of coconut... (Sta)
REN    Ge/geu/. :Ripen, fully ripe, to be (Ebt)
SIK    Leu (sg.), lleu (pl.). :Ripe (of fruit) (Dnr)
TAK    Reu. : (of fruit) Ripe; (of a pimple, sore, etc.) having a head or scab that may be removed to extract the pus (Mle)
TIK    Reu. :Ripe, of fruit (Fth)
TOK    Leu. :Ripe (of pandanus fruit) (Sma)
TON    Levu. :Ripe (tava and hopa only) (Cwd)
PIL    Leu. :Ripe (Hvn)
WAY    Dreu. :Ripe (Ply)
WFU    Leu (ANI), xleu (WFU). :To bear fruit; to ripen (Cpl)
WFU    H/leu. :Ripe; to ripen; (of leaves) to turn color (from green to reddish, yellowish or brown) (Dty)
WUV    Leu. :Jaune; mur (Hmn)