.TA MAHOI :Supernatural being MVA 'Oi. :AncĂȘtre des Gambiers (Rch) MQA Hoi/hoi. :Monstre, contre nature; monstrueux, difforme (Dln) MAO Tini o te /mahoi/hoi. :Certain forest-dwelling creatures, apparently mythical, of the distant past (Best 1982:55) (Wms) MAO Te mahoi. :A weird being said to have dwelt underground...who appeared in human form and was a master of black magic (Best 1982:55) (Wms) TAH Mahoi. :The essence, or soul of a god (Dvs) TUA Mahoi. :Ghost, apparition of the dead; the mind. Freely, the spirit, the soul (Stn)