.PN MANONO :A tree (Tarenna sambucina): *manon(ou) *8 Final vowel variation reminiscent of PN *nonu >> *nono, *noni 'Morinda citrifolia'. Possible similarity of leaf shape (Gdr). HAW Manono. :All spp. of (Gouldia) genus, small trees or shrubs belonging to the coffee family (Pki) MVA Manono. :Tronc sec du nono. The dry trunk of the %nono| tree (Tgr) (Rch) MAO Manono, kanono, kaanonono. :A small tree (Coprosma australis [grandifolia]) (Wms) NIU Manono. :A small tree, (Tarenna sambucina)... (Sph) SAM Ma'anunu. :A tree (Psychotria sp.) ( (Tarenna sambucina) (Whr) TAH Manono. :A tree (Tarenna sambucina) (Whr) TON Manonu. :A tree (Tarenna sambucina) (Whr) PIL Manonu. :A tree with edible fruits (Hvn)