.PN    MASELE :Sedge sp.: *ma(h,s)ele(sele)
*1    Cf. PPN *sele "cut". (Species named have sharp-edged leaves.)
EFU    Vao maaselesele. :A plant (Scleria polycarpa) (Mfr)
EUV    Mahele. :Nom d'une herbe (Cypéracée) (Rch)
FIJ    Waa /mere/. :A vine used to make string (Cpl)
OJA    Maele/vai. :Small ferns (Smd)
MAO    Maaere/ere. :Fern sp. or sedge sp (Wms)
SAM    Selesele. :Large, sharp-edge sedge spp. (Mariscus javanicus) or (Rhynchosporal corymbosa) (Whr)
TON    Mahele/hele. :Any of several large sedges, such as (Mariscus javanicus), (Scleria polycarpa) and (Rhynchospora corymbosa), all with sharp-edged leaves (Whr)