.CE MATA-KAINAGA :Some social group, perhaps commoners inhabiting the same land division *0 << PN *mata.3 "social group", *kainaga "commoners" ? >> NO *mata-kaina *8 Note. NIU not in (Sph). ANU Matakainanga. :Large patrilineal descent group (Fbg) HAW Maka/'aainana/. :Commoner, populace, people in general (Pki) MFA Màtíná. :A party, people, subjects, mankind (Crk) MVA Mata/keinaga. :Multitude, grande réunion pour un jour de fête. Assembly, a congregation of persons (Tgr). (Rch) MKI Matakeinanga. :Tribe, group of kinsmen; village (Bck) MQA Mata/'einana (MQS), mata/'eina'a (MQN). :Peuple, gens, sujets. Local people as opposed to visitors (I). (Lch) MQA Ma tie, en na. :Race, tribe or nation (Rbs) NIU Matakainaga. :Relative, relation (Sph) NIU Matakainaanga. :A man's brother, a woman's sister (McE) RAP Mataeinaa. :Land division, clan from TAH (Sks) RAR Matakeinanga. :A settlement, inhabitants of a district or neighbourhood (Bse) TAH Mata'eina'a. :District (la campagne) (Lmt) TAH Mataeinaa. :The subjects of a chief; a certain tribe, clan, or subdivision of the inhabitants (Lmt) TUA Matakeina9a. :Division of an army; a lands division; a sub-clan (Stn) WFU Mtakaina9a. :Tribe (Cpl)