.PN MUSU.1 :Mutter, mumble, hum, whisper *0 >> CE *koo-sumu *1 Cf. NP *muu.3 EFU Musu/musu. :Chuchoter; parler à voix basse (Mfr) EFU Mu/musu. :Chuchoter méchamment (Mfr) EUV Musu. :Bourdon, bruit sourd (Rch) EAS Ha'umu-'umu. :Whisper (Wbr) MAE Musu/takina. :Avoid people (Cpl) MAE Musu. :Refuse, not to want (Cpl) HAW Mu/muhu/. :Buzzing/humming sound of flies (Pki) MKI Muihu. :Whisper (Sve) MQA Muhu/muhu. :Murmurer (Dln) MAO Muhu/muhu. :Discontented, muttering (Wms) MAO Muhu. :Stupid, untaught; incorrect, faulty (of carving) (Wms) MAO Muhu/kai. :Absent, inattentive (Wms) NKO Musu. :Whispering (Crl) PEN Musi/musi. :Whisper, murmur (Sta) PUK Muyu/muyu. :Whisper (Bge) RAR Mu'u. :Whisper, speak with a low voice; be deaf (Bse) RAR Mu'u/mu'u. :Mutter, whisper (Bse) REN Musu/musu. :Sob, pant for breath (Ebt) REN Musu. :To breathe deeply and with difficulty (Ebt) ROT Musu. :Whisper (Cwd) SAM Musu/musu. :Whisper (Prt) SAM Musu. :Sullenness (Prt) SIK Mu/musu. :Of voices that are heard, but the words are indistinct; to gossip; to whisper (Dnr) TAH Muhu. :Noise, the din of talking; to make a noise or din (Dvs) TAK Musu. :Speak in a low voice, mumble, speak to oneself, speak as if in secrecy, whisper (Mle) TIK Mu/musu/. :Inarticulate (Fth) TIK Musu/musu/. :Whisper (Fth) TOK Muhu. :Refuse (v) (Sma) TOK Muhu/muhu. :Whisper (Sma) TON Muhu(muhu). :Mumble, murmur, mutter; drone, give forthe a low subdued sound (Cwd) TUA Muhu(Muhu). :Whisper (Stn) WUV Humu. :Muet (Hmn)