.MP NAMO :Enclosed area of water, lagoon, pool *4 POC *namo "lagoon inside a reef, deep pool or hole in reef" (LPO II:109 *5 PMP *namaw "sheltered water; deep place in a river; cove, harbour, lagoon" (ACD). EFU Namo. :Large shallow area on reef. Partie en creux du platier qui reste recouverte d'eau (entre le tu'a tete et la plage) (Mfr). (Bgs) EUV Namo. :Lagoon; shallow area of the sea (Rch) MAE Namo. :Pool, place in lagoon with sandy bottom (Cpl) LAU Namo. :Deep water in a lagoon (Ivs) OJA 9amo. :Distance (Smd) NTP Namo. :Reef flat (including littoral zones) (Dye) NIU Namo. :Lake, lagoon. Pond (McE). (Sph) NIU Namo/namo. :Be full to the brim; the deep (of sea) (Sph) NIU Puke namo. :Quite full (McE) NGR Namu. :Lagoon (Dvl) NKM Namo. :Sea, lake (Trt) SAM Namo. :Place in lagoon abounding in fish (Prt) SIK Namo. :The area inside the reef; the lagoon (moana) and surrounding shallow area (Dnr) TAK Namo. :Lagoon (Mle) TOK Namo. :Lagoon (Sma) TON Namo. :Lagoon; sea near the land, esp. between reef and shore (Cwd) TVL Namo. :Lagoon (Rby) PIL Namo. :Lagoon. Where large boulders are on reef (Lch). (Hvn) WFU Namo. :Pool of water (Dty)