.PN    QILAAMUTU :Sister's child (man speaking)
*0  >> XO *qilaamotu
ANU    Iraamutu. :Sister's child (Fbg)
EFU    'Ilaamutu. :Man's sister's child (Mfr)
EUV    'Ilaamutu. :Sister's child (Rch)
EAS    Iramuta, iramuto. :Fellow being (Fts)
MAE    Raamutu. :Woman's brother's child (Cpl)
HAW    Ilaamuku. :Executive officer, marshal (Pki)
MFA    Iraamutu. :Nephew (Clk)
MFA    Raamutu. :Nephew, niece (term of address) (Clk)
MVA    Iramutu. :Neveu, nièce (Rch)
MKI    Iraamutu. :Nephew, niece (Krk)
MQA    I'amutu. :Neveu, niéce, c'est-à-dire fils ou fille naturelle ou adoptifs de la soeur (Dln)
MAO    Iraamutu. :Nephew, niece, (traditionally the sister's child) (Bgs)
NFO    'Ilamutu. :Sister's child (Dye)
PUK    Ilamutu. :A man's adopted child who is the blood child of his real or classificatory sister (Bge)
REN    'Igaamutu. :Son-in-law, daughter-in-law (Ebt)
SAM    Ilamutu. :The relationship sustained by the children of a sister to the children of her brother, after the brother and sister are dead. An institutional relationship term for a female having particular control over her brothers' sons (Macpherson). (Prt)
TIK    Iramutu. :Sister's child (Fth)
TOK    Ilaamutu. :Male's sister's child (Sma)
TON    'Ilamutu. :Man's sister's child (Cwd)
TVL    Ilaamutu. :Mother's brother or sister's son (Rby)
WFU    Ra/i/mutu. :Offspring of a man's sister or female cross cousin... (Dty)