.AN RAKU :Scratch (v.t.) *1 Cf. TA *paa-raku "rake" *4 POC *karu(t) "scratch with fingernails or claws" (LPO I:237). *5 PMP *garut'. *6 PAN *karut "scrape, rasp" (ACD). *8 Note. Changed from *raku. TON,EUV,NIU perhaps from PPN *aku. BGO Ngga/nggaru/. :Scratch (Ivs) (Ray) EUV Vaku. :To scratch (Rch) EAS Ra/raku, raku/raku. :Scratch (Kvt) MAE Raku/tia. :To scratch (Cpl) FIJ Kadru/va. :Scratch (Cpl) MFA Karu/karu. :Scratch (Clk) KAP L/lagu. :Grab up, claw v (Lbr) OJA (Lau)la'u. :Scratch (Smd) MVA Raku/raku. :Scratch. Se gratter, frotter avec les ongles l'endroit qui démange. (Rch) MVA Ra/raku. :Se gratter un instant en signe négatif ou désapprobateur (Rch) MKI Ra/raku. :To scratch (Krk) MOR Raku. :Scrape (Shd) MTA Karu. :Scratch (Cdn) MAO Ra(ra)ku. :Scratch, scrape (Wms) MAO Rakuraku. :Rake n (Wms) NFO Vaku. :To scratch <B> (Gry) NFO La'u. :To scratch (Gry) NIU V/aku(v/aku). :Scribble, scratch (Sph) NIU Laku. :To mix; to touch, handle (Sph) NIU H/aku. :Scratch (Sph) NGR Raku/raku. :Scratch with claws (Dvl) NGR R/raku. :Scratch with a nail (Dvl) NKO Lagu. :Claw (Crl) PEN Ra/raku/. :Scratch with fingernails or claws (Sta) PEN Raku/raku. :Scratch (Sta) PEN Saku-hia. :To scrape (Sta) PEN Sa/saku. :To be scratched, have got many scratches. Scratching (Bck). (Sta) PUK La/laku/. :Scratch (Bge) RVV Ga'u. :To scrape (Zpn) RAP Rako/rako. :To scratch, as for flea bites (Sks) RAR Raku(raku). :Scratch with fingernails or claws (Bse) RAR Raraku. :Scratched (Bse) ROT A'u. :Scratch; dig, dig for, dig up (Cwd) SAA Karu. :Scratch (Ivs) SAM Lala'u. :Scratch (Prt) SIK Laku/laku. :To scratch; to draw someone's attention by scratching them (Dnr) TAH Ra'u/ra'u. :Gratter, se gratter (Lmt) TAK L/laku, raku. :Touch someone once, then flick one's finger back across their skin or clothing, to gain their attention (Mle) TIK Raku. :Throw away, cast out (Fth) TON Vaku. :Scratch (Cwd) TON Vacoo. :To claw, to scratch (Mar) TUA Raku. :Scratch, scrape (Stn) TUA Ra/raku/. :Scratch with fingernails (Stn) PIL Laku. :Scratch (Hnh) PIL Laku/hia. :Scratch the body (Grn) PIL Laku/ia. :Scratch (Cme) WAY Kalu. :Be scratched by claws or fingernails (Ply) WAY Kalu-ti. :Scratch something with claws or fingernails (Ply)