.PN TAAU-GA.B :Hanging basket for storing cooked food (Clk): *(tau)tau-ga *0 << PN *tau.2 "hang, be suspended" EFU Taauga. :Grand panier en palmes de cocotier avec des anses en corde (sert A transporter les tubercules) casse-croute (Mfr) EFU Tautaauga. :Crochet auquel on suspend les paniers de vivres dans la maison (Mfr) EUV Tauga. :Les restes d'un repas (Rch) MFA Taauga. :Rope or hook for hanging things on. Such food whether hung up or not (Clk) OJA Kau9a. :Bags hung from roof for food (Smd) NGR Tauna. :Plattform unter dem Dache zum Aufbewahren von Matten und Geräthen (Ths) PEN Taunga. :Storage basket (Rasmussen) [also mentioned by ...as a small basket for cooked food, according to ...my student] kind of basket for containing pieces of cooked fish (Sta) PUK Taaunga. :Basket container for coconut water guards (Bge) REN Taaunga. :Gift, as of left-over food (Ebt) SAM Taauga. :Basket of cooked food (kept against daily requirements or to provide a present if required); contribution of food (given by a guest to his host etc (Prt) TAK Tauna. :Suspended basket for keeping food; hooked stick suspended from the ceiling on which a basket of food may be hung (Mle) TOK Tauga. :A bunch of four, six or eight empty coconut shells attached to a length of sennit, for drawing water from a well (Sma) TON Taunga. :Basket of cooked food left over and hung up for use later on, (Cwd) TON Tówtówoonga. :A circular flat piece of wood, surrounding the middle of the string, by which the oil baskets hang, so as to prevent rats getting to the basket (Mar) WFU Tauga. :Hanger, hanging pot; contraption for hanging things from ceiling (esp. to keep rats from getting food). Stick or rope for slinging food on, hanger (Cpl). (Dty)