.?? TULUMA :Small container, box NIU Tulula. :Boat (said to be a Samoan word). [?Samoan] A big, noisy, rusty vehicle; an old monstrosity of a vehicle ) (Sph). <B> (McE) PUK Tuluma. :Container for small valuables (Bge) SAM Tulula. :A basket to keep oil-bottles in; a foreign boat (Prt) SIK Tuluma. :A hand carved wooden cyclinder used for storing special items, especially the bonito hooks {paa} (Dnr) TAK Turuna, turuma. :Tubular wooden container for turmeric, sealed at one end and covered with fine plaiting (Mle) TOK Tuluma. :Box carved from single piece of wood, with waterproof lid (Sma)