.CE WERU :Ragged, frayed FIJ Wedru. :Wet and sticking together as hair of an animal that has been in the water (Cpl) FIJ Welu. :Long and in tufts (of the hair) (Cpl) HAW Welu. :Rag, ragged garment; ragged, frayed. (Pki) HAW Welu/welu. :Shredded to bits (Pki) MQA Ve'u/ve'u 'ou. :L'extremité de feuilles de cocotier, de pandanus, d'arbre à pain (Dln) MAO We/weru. :Garment (Wms) PUK Velu. :Worn or ragged clothing (Mta) PUK Welu. :Torn clothing (???) PUK Welu/welu. :Torn into strips, shredded (???) RVV Ve(g)u/ve(g)u. :Torn, ragged (Zpn) RAP Ta/veru. :Cape of frayed ti leaves; a rain cape (Sks) RAR Veru. :Fringe, tassel (Bse) RAR Veru/veru. :Remnants, rags, tattered, torn (Bse) TAH Veru/veru. :Odeur de crasse; puant, crasseux. Stale, nasty, offensive in smell (Dvs). (Lmt) TUA Veru/veru. :Rags, tatters, shabby, worn garments; stinking, filthy (Stn)