#61.5: Illness and Injury.

Reconstruction Description
MUUNAA Ringworm
OMA.3 Sunken, emaciated
PAA-FARA Rip (of flesh)
PAA-KARE Sinking or empty feeling in the stomach
PAIRUA Nausea; feeling of disgust
PAKA.1B Scab, crust
PAKIA.1 Be hurt, wounded
PAKU.A Dried up (especially of lesions)
PAKU.D Scab, crust; scabby, crusty
PALA.3 Pustulous sore
PASA Slightly swollen, inflamed
PATOO.2 Swelling
PATU.2 Callus, lump, tumour
PERA Decayed, of flesh
PETE Rash on the skin, itch
PISI.3 To affect, strike (as a disease)
POGA.3 Scar, defect on a surface
POKA.2 Large, swollen
POKU Pimple
PUGA.2A Swelling, abscess
PUKE.5 Illness
PUTA.2 Fat, bulging, bloated; bubble, blister
QALITO Core of a boil: *(qa)lito~*(qa)tilo
QUNOKO Contused, bruised
RAAKAU.2 Medicine
SAPE.A Malformed (of foot), club-footed
SAQAKI.2 Sickness (Rby)
SEKE.1B Flow out: discharge from body; (of tide) ebb
SEKE.1C Dislocated (of joint)
SOPII Weak, infirm : *(f, s)opii
TA-KOKI Sprained (of foot or ankle)
TANE Skin disease, tinea
TAUPOO An inflamed ulcer or carbuncle: *taupo(o,a)
TONA.1 Yaws
TOTO-TOTO Suffused with blood
TUGA-TUGA Rough, uneven surface
TUQU.3B To be wounded, hit
USU.3 Persistent pain

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