Protoform: FAGU.1 [CP] Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); gourd container
Description: | Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); gourd container |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to CP: Central Pacific |
Notes: | *2 PCP *va9(o,u) "wax gourd, Benincasa hispida" (LPO III:423) |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Fagu | Bouteille, gourde | (Mfr) |
East Uvea | Fagu | Fruit d'une cucurbitacée | (Rch) |
Fijian | Vago | (Lagenaria vulgaris) Borrowed | (Cpl) |
Niue | Fagu | Jar, bottle | (Sph) |
Samoan | Fagu | Gourd used as a bottle | (Prt) |
Tikopia | Faguo | Bowl. Problematic | (Gmd) |
Tokelau | Fagu | Bottle | (Sma) |
Tokelau | Fagu/ele | Earthenware pot | (Sma) |
Tongan | Fangu | Calabash; calabash-shell used as a bottle (esp. for holding oil) | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Fango | Oil of any kind | (Mar) |
10 entries found
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