Protoform: FAI.5 [PN] Fight
Description: | Fight |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Fai | Battre | (Gzl) |
Luangiua | Hai | Slander Problematic | (Smd) |
Mangareva | ʔA/ʔai | Se disputer, se quereller | (Rch) |
Marquesas | Ha/hai | Tres fort, avec chaleur; Faina. :Battre des mains | (Dln) |
New Zealand Maori | Wha/whai/ | Fight | (Wms) |
Pukapuka | Wai taua | Start a fight, quarrel Problematic | (Sby) |
Rennellese | Hai tauʔa | To battle, make war Problematic | (Ebt) |
Rotuman | Ha/hai | To flog, thrash Problematic | (Cwd) |
Samoan | Faai | To abuse, use bad language Problematic | (Prt) |
Sikaiana | Hai | To fight | (Sps) |
Takuu | Fai | Deal with in a hostile manner, fight | (Hwd) |
Tikopia | Fai/tau | Fight | (Gmd) |
Tokelau | Faai/fai | Tantalize, insult (someone by mocking) | (Sma) |
Tongan | Fai | To deal with in a hostile sense; to have it out with, to fight it out | (Cwd) |
Tuamotu | Fai | Fight | (Stn) |
West Futuna | Fei/atu | Strife; to strive for, often involving a clashing or quarrelling | (Dty) |
16 entries found
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