Protoform: KAMI.1 [MP] Open and shut mouth, gills
Description: | Open and shut mouth, gills |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian |
Notes: | *5 PMP *kamkam "zufassen" (Dpf. 1938). |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Kami/si | Petit bruit avec les lèvres comme si l'on suçait | (Gzl) |
Easter Island | Kami | Glad, pleased, contented Problematic | (Fts) |
Fijian | Qami/ta | To shut the mouth [Lau Dialect] | (Cpl) |
Hawaiian | ʔAmi/ʔami | Elastic, pendulous, springy Problematic | (Pki) |
Mangaia | Kamikami | Gills of a fish | (Chn) |
Marquesas | Ami | Bruit de la bouche | (Dln) |
New Zealand Maori | Kami/kami | Smack the lips | (Wms) |
Nukumanu | Kami/kami | Therapeutic massage involving squeezing. Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fbg) |
Nukumanu | Kami | Use fingers to press hard and massage in order to relieve pain or cramp Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Tpi) |
Penrhyn | Kami/kami | Opening and shutting movement of lips | (Rmn) |
Pukapuka | Kami/kami | Cartilage between gills of a fish | (Sby) |
Raʔivavae | Amiami | Interior folds of the vagina. To move the vagina with a circular motion (Stn). Problematic | (Zpn) |
Raʔivavae | ʔAmiʔami | Sphincter muscles . Problematic | (Zpn) |
Rarotongan | Kamikami | Gills of a fish | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Ka/kami | To bite, of fish | (Ebt) |
Tahitian | ʔAmi/ʔami | Avoir les levres qui tremblent | (Lmt) |
Tuamotu | Kami | Gulp, make effort to swallow | (Stn) |
Tuamotu | Kami/kami | Open and close repeatedly, as legs, lips, gills of a fish | (Stn) |
18 entries found
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