Protoform: KOOKOO.1 [EC] Bird sp: *ko(q)oko(q)o

Description: Bird sp: *ko(q)oko(q)o
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EC: Ellicean

*1 Cf. PN *koo.2, CE *koukou

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian ʔOoʔoo Black Honey-eater (Acrulocercus sp.) (Pki)
Kapingamarangi Kaka A long-billed snipe... Phonologically Irregular (Emy)
Mangareva Koko/kooko Nom d'un oiseau de mer (Pterodroma parvirostris) (Rch)
Moriori Kookoo Parson Bird (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) (GNZMMSS18) (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Kookoo Parson Bird (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) [Eastern Maori Dialect] (Wms)
Nukuoro Googoo Japanese snipe (Capella hardwickii) (Crl)
Tahitian ʔOoʔoo/vea Coucou migrateus (Eurodynamis taitensis) (Lmt)
Tuamotu Koko A kind of bird (Stn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kokuo A small bird, living in the bush Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)

9 entries found

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