Protoform: KORA.1 [PN] Waste material, dregs

Description: Waste material, dregs
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*2 PFJ *kora.

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea Koa Ecume, mousse Problematic (Btn)
Fijian Kora Refuse of scraped coconut (Cpl)
Fijian Kora/vula Oil expressed from coconuts by drying or baking, not boiling (Hzd)
Lau Gora, gore ʔai Chips of wood Problematic (Ivs)
Marquesas Kooʔa/a Trouble, boueux, bourbeux, sale (Lch)
Marquesas Koʔa Tache, souillure; pourri (Dln)
Marquesas Haʔa/koʔa te vai Pêcher (en troublant l'eau); fishing (clouding the water) (Chf)
Marquesas Koʔa(koʔa) (MQN), koʔa (MQS) Boue, mud. (Chf)
Niue Kola Young coconut with little pulp in it (McE)
Rotuman Koa Thick (of liquids); dregs, sediment . Borrowed (Cwd)
Samoan ʔOla Semen (Prt)
Samoan ʔOla/ʔolaa Soiled, smeared (Prt)
Tokelau Kola Slime (Sma)
Tongan Koa Scum, froth, foam, lather (Cwd)
Tuamotu Kora To shine, gleam Problematic (Stn)

15 entries found

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