Protoform: MURI.1B [PN] Back end, lower end, piece, part

Description: Back end, lower end, piece, part
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 >> PN *muri-fanua "end of land, cape, point", *muri-wai "mouth of river", *muri-waqe "heel"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Muri Back, the rear portion of something (Fbg)
Bugotu Buli/ti-gna Rear, back (Ivs)
East Futuna Muli Buttocks (Mfr)
East Uvea Muli Buttocks (Rch)
Easter Island Muli The rear (Chl)
Ifira-Mele Muri Rear, back end (Clk)
Kapingamarangi Muuri End (Ebt)
Kapingamarangi Muli Rear (Lbr)
Luangiua Muli Bottom (of person). Hintern (Sar). (Smd)
Mangareva Muri Stern of boat (Rch)
Marquesas Ko/muʔi Ramer à rebours (Lch)
Niue Muli Last measure of something Borrowed (Sph)
Niue Mui Bottom part, bottom end or back end of something (Sph)
Nuguria Muri End (as of trunk of a tree, an island); stern (of canoe) (Dvl)
Nuguria Muri vae Ferse, Hacke (Ths)
Nuguria Muri/pura Tail (of birds), rump (Dvl)
Nukumanu Muri laakau Club (Trt)
Pukapuka Muli Back (Sby)
Pukapuka Muli/muli Tail, hind end, hind quarter; base of [coconut] (opposite end from eyes); blunt end of object. Buttocks (Sby). (Bge)
Rennellese Mugi Tuber, as of taro (Ebt)
Rotuman Muri Base, butt, lower end, hinder end (Cwd)
Saʔa P/uri/ Back of, the stern (Ivs)
Samoan Muli The rump (euph. for ufa). Posterior, bottom (of man) (vulg.) (Mnr). Buttocks (McP). (Prt)
Takuu Muri- Part, remainder, end (Mle)
Takuu Muri, muli Bottom, buttocks (Mle)
Tokelau Muli Bottom (of basket, box etc.); base, bottom (of timber, pole, etc.); head, blunt end (of nail, pencil, etc.); bottom, posterior (of people) (vulgar) (Sma)
Tongan Mui End, extremity, tip (of yam, bunch of bananas, etc.) (Cwd)
Tongan Mooi The end, tip, or extremity of any thing; conclusion, the hindermost. (Mar)
Vaeakau-Taumako Muli Bottom (inside and outside) of hull of outrigger canoe; shaft of arrow (Lch)
West Futuna Muri Rear portion, back of (Dty)
West Uvea Muli vaka Arrière d'une embarcation (Hmn)
West Uvea Muli Dessous ou bout (d'igname, de bananier); fesses (Hmn)
West Uvea Muli tangaavae Plante du pied (Hmn)

33 entries found

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