Protoform: PAA.6 [NP] Form of address to respected male
Description: | Form of address to respected male |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Marquesas | Paa | Chef | (Dln) |
New Zealand Maori | Paa | Term of address to mature, respected male; to priest | (Bgs) |
Penrhyn | Paa | Papa! Father! Grandpa! | (Sta) |
Penrhyn | Paa/paa | Father, uncle; grandfather, granduncle | (Sta) |
Rarotongan | Paa | Father (voc.) | (Bse) |
Tahitian | Pa | A term of reverence answering to father, and commonly used by children in addressing their father, and common people their chief | (Dvs) |
Tikopia | Paa | Term of address to any man in father category | (Fth) |
7 entries found
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