Protoform: PEKA-PEKA.2 [CE] Trouble, troubled, perplexed

Description: Trouble, troubled, perplexed
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 << EP *peka.2 "cross, crosswise"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Peʔapeʔa Entangled (fig.), perplexity (Pki)
Mangareva Peka Peine, affliction (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Pekapeka Trouble; problem (Osn)
Marquesas Pekapeka, peʔapeʔa Ennui; s'ennuyer dans un pays; s'inquiéter; n'etre pas dans son élément (Dln)
Penrhyn Pekapeka Have a trouble, argue, quarrel; trouble, argument (Sta)
Rarotongan Pekapeka (Have) quarrel, dispute, disagreement, trouble etc. (Bse)
Tahitian Peʔapeʔa Incident, ennuis, contrariété; être ennuyé, contrarié; avoir des soucis, des ennuis (Lmt)
Tahitian Pea To be perplexed (Dvs)
Tikopia Pekapeka Scanty, poor, poverty-stricken Problematic (Fth)
Waya Vaka/beka Have doubts (about the authenticity of something), be unbelieving, skeptical (Ply)
West Futuna Bekabeka Place with little earth (Cpl)

11 entries found

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