Protoform: POO-FATU.2 [TA] Small tree or bush sp. (Sophora tomentosa) (Grf)

Description: Small tree or bush sp. (Sophora tomentosa) (Grf)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to TA: Tahitic

*1 Cf. CE *poo-fatu.1 "stone", PN *futu "Barringtonia asiatica"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Austral Islands Pohuta/ʔata (RUR), poohutu raʔata (RVV) (Sophora tomentosa) (Brn)
Mangaia Pooʔutu-aa-kava, puu-ʔutu-oo-kava, pooʔatu kava Silver bush (Sophora tomentosa) (Sta)
New Zealand Maori Poohutu/kawa A tree (Metrosideros excelsa) Phonologically Irregular (Wms)
Rarotongan Po(o)ʔutu/kava A coastal shrub with white berries (Sophora tomentosa) Ngaputoru name . (Scaevola sericea.) Phonologically Irregular (Whr)
Tahitian Pofatu/aoao The name of a small tree of hard wood. (Sophora tomentosa) (Whr) (Dvs)
Tuamotu Pofatu (Sophora tomentosa) (Raynal 1983) (Rch)
Tupuaki Pofatu/aoao (Sophora tomentosa) Problematic (Atn)

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