Protoform: PUTA.1B [CE] Pass through a hole, emerge
Description: | Pass through a hole, emerge |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Hawaiian | Puka | Pass through, appear, emerge, come out,... | (Pki) |
Mangareva | Puta | Sortir; advenir, apparaître; se produire | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Puta | Appear, come out | (Krk) |
Marquesas | Puta | S'infiltrer, passer; arriver, venir, aller | (Dln) |
Marquesas | Púta | To arrive by land, to reach a place | (Crk) |
Moriori | Puta, puti etu | Appear, come forth | (Shd) |
Moriori | Hoko/puta | Launch (canoe) . Thrust out (spear) | (Shd) |
New Zealand Maori | Puta | Move from one place to another; pass through; come forth, come out; come into sight, be born | (Wms) |
Penrhyn | Puta | Come forth, emerge from within | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Puta | To rise to the surface; emerge from water, as a diver for air (Mta) Problematic | (Bge) |
Rarotongan | Puta | Appear, come forth, etc. | (Bse) |
Tahitian | A/puta | Apparaitre à travers les nuages; venir à l'esprit, venir à l'idée | (Lmt) |
Tahitian | Abuta. Aputa. | To appear or be perceptible, as the sun through little openings in the clouds. To pierce through or enter, as light through small openings; to enter the mind, as perceptions of things. | (Dvs) |
Tuamotu | Puta | Spring up, as a breeze; arise, originate in; become visible above the sea; appear, come into view | (Stn) |
West Futuna | Fakax/puta | Be struck by a wave but rise above it Problematic | (Cpl) |
15 entries found
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