Protoform: RARA.2 [EP] Side, to be on the side, move to the side
Description: | Side, to be on the side, move to the side |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to EP: East Polynesian |
Notes: | *1 Cf. PN *falala.a "lean, stoop, slant" |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Easter Island | Rara | Side (lado). Side (archaic) (Wbr). | (Kvt) |
Hawaiian | Lala | Diagonal, slanting, oblique | (Pki) |
Mangareva | Rara | Jeter qch. de travers, jeter une lance sans atteindre la cible | (Rch) |
Marquesas | Kaka | Errer, rôder d'un endroit dans un autre Problematic | (Dln) |
New Zealand Maori | Rara | Broach to, be thrown broadside on (of canoe) | (Wms) |
Tahitian | Rara | Déraper, faire un écart, être déporté | (Lmt) |
Tuamotu | Rara | To turn off to one side, as a path | (Stn) |
7 entries found
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