Protoform: REFU.3 [CE] Name of a lunar month or season *(CV)-refu
Description: | Name of a lunar month or season *(CV)-refu |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian |
Notes: | *8 Cf. PCE *refua 'star name' |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Hawaiian | We/lehu | Ancient Hawaiian month, corresponding approximately to November | (Pki) |
Mangareva | E/reʔu | Saison qui correspond au mois de mai. Sixth month (Laval, Dictionnaire de 1908). | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Reu | A month marked by the star Au-ma-Tangaroa (Buck 1932) | (Jmr) |
Moriori | Wai/rehu | A month name, December-January | (Mkn) |
New Zealand Maori | Ree/rehu | The star whose appearance marks the ninth month, ? Antares | (Wms) |
Penrhyn | Se/rehu | The 12th month in the pre-Christian calendar | (Sta) |
Tahitian | A/rehu, va/rehu | The name of the third Tahitian month | (Dvs) |
Tahitian | Rehu | A month name, between December and January | (Hry) |
Tokelau | Lefu/lefu | Name of a heavenly body associated with the traditional Tokelau month Vainoa (late August-early September) -- possibly the Magellanic clouds Problematic | (Sma) |
Tuamotu | He/rehu | A star name; October, the tenth month of the Tuamotuan calendar... | (Stn) |
10 entries found
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