Protoform: SISI.2 [MP] Univalve mollusc, snail-like, perhaps generic

Description: Univalve mollusc, snail-like, perhaps generic
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian

*3 PEO *zizi "kind of univalve shellfish" (Gty. 1983).
*4 POC *sisiq (1) "various small, snail-like gastropods of nerite family", (2) "probably generic for a wider class of edible gastropods" (LPO IV:184).
*5 PMP *sisi[q] "edible snail" (ACD).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Arosi Sisi/apiro Limpet (Fox)
East Futuna Sisi Small shellfish spp. (Neritidae) and (Naeticidae) (Mfr)
East Uvea Hihi Shellfish spp. (Janthinidae) (Neritidae) (Rch)
Fijian Sici Trochus spp (Cpl)
Ifira-Mele Sisi General term for small snails (Clk)
Luangiua Maka/sii Pries for clam (Smd)
Nggela Hihi/vuhi Freshwater snail (Nerita brevispina) (Fox)
Niuatoputapu Hihi Edible gastropods (Nerita spp.) (Dye)
Niue (Fua) hihi Snail (generic) (Sph)
Niue Hihi/vao Land snail (McE)
Nuguria Hihi Shell meat, lips of clam-shells (Dvl)
Raʔivavae Hihi A variety of small univalve mollusk... (Stn)
Rapa ʔIʔi Univalve (Nerita morio), periwinkle (Sks)
Rarotongan ʔIiʔii A small shellfish (Mka)
Rennellese Sisi Nerita shells (Ebt)
Rotuman Sisi Edible shellfish, the periwinkle (Cwd)
Samoan Sisi Small snails in general (Prt)
Sikaiana Sisi A small shell species that can walk (Nerite?) (Dnr)
Tahitian Hihi A small shell fish (Dvs)
Takuu Ssii Edible shellfish sp. (Mle)
Tikopia Sisi Snail of splash-zone (Melampus sp.) (Fth)
Tongan Hihi Shellfish sp., like a hard-shelled snail (Cwd)
Tuvalu Hihi (Terebra maculata) [l.] (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Ii A winkle (Nerita) (Ray)
Waya Cici Generic term for all snail-like shellfish (Gastropoda) (Ply)
West Futuna Sisi Term covering various univalve shellfish spp. (Clk)

26 entries found

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