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7404 Results matching "aa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka NP.GAA-IPU Ngaaipu Split coconut shell from which flesh has been removed
Fijian NP.TAE.2A Taa To dip in and take with a basket or shovel
Kapingamarangi PN.KOGA Gunga laagau Drift logs Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria EP.RAQAA Raa/laa Day (in days of the week)
Hawaiian MQ.TAAU-GA.A Kaauna Four (formerly tubers were counted by fours)
Samoan SO.KI-NAA ʔInaa There
Pukapuka SO.KI-NAA Kinaa There, by you
Sikaiana SO.KI-NAA I/kinaa There, in sight, but away from speaker
Ifira-Mele SO.KI-NAA Kiinaa Here, there (near addressee)
Nukuoro SO.KI-LAA Kilaa There in the distance Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria SO.KI-LAA Kilaa There
Sikaiana SO.KI-LAA I/kilaa There (referring to objects that are distant...).
Ifira-Mele SO.KI-LAA Kiiraa There
East Futuna PN.QANA-FEA Naafea Quand? (référence au passé)
Anuta OC.MARA Maa mei Fermented breadfruit Borrowed
Anuta OC.MARA Ma/maa A type of food made from a number of vegetable substances, buried in large pits where it is fermented to acid, in which condition it can be kept for many years without spoiling
Emae OC.MARA Maa Fermented breadfruit Borrowed
Mangareva OC.MARA Maa Breadfruit or taro preserved by fermentation. Nourriture fermentée à base de fruits à pain ou de taro Borrowed
Marquesas OC.MARA Ma. Maa (Atl). Breadfruit preserved by fermentation. Fruits à pain fermentés et conservés dans un silo, trou en terre ou récipient. Borrowed
Rennellese NO.PALALAMA Paagaba Side of a canoe Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-KAKA Maakaka A rite to make a human body *tapu*, to prevent it being eaten Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.MATE-GA Maatenga Head Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna PN.MATE-GA Maatega Accident mortel (incluant plusieurs personnes)
Rennellese PN.MATE-GA Maatenga Deathly sickness, death, severe injury
Tongan AN.RARA.1 Aa/ngaki To dry in front of the fire. Raviver (le feu, un malade par la moyen du feu) (Btn).
Samoan PN.TAU-TAMA Tautama/a To suckle (a Manu'a word for *faailele*). (Of woman) be excused from social duties owing to having an infant to care for (Mnr).
New Zealand Maori NP.ALOA Aro(w)aa Be comprehended, be understood Problematic
Samoan MP.FAU-FAU Faaufau To feel sick
East Uvea PN.TAKU.1 Taaku/ga Plaisanterie, jeu de mots
Tokelau PN.MAFA-TIA Maafatia Be deeply upset; be bereaved, deeply sad; suffer, be overcome
Tongan PN.TAKA-MILO Maakamio To sit or lie about, or just stroll round, doing nothing, when one ought to be up and doing one's duty Problematic
East Uvea MP.MALUU.A Maaluu Etre adouci, rendu tendre, doux, mou
East Uvea PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapu/gaa vaʔe Le dessous du pied; soulier
Tokelau SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Va(e)luaapoo Middle of the night
Rennellese SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Baguaapoo Late night, as between 12 and one; according to some, before midnight.
East Futuna OC.SAAKULE Saakune (i) Fureter, fouiller, chercher dans un contentant Phonologically Irregular
Ifira-Mele NP.LAFI.1 Gaa/rafi Well-used everyday mats Uncertain Semantic Connection
Ifira-Mele NP.LALA.2 Rraa/ia Scatter (of a school of fish)
Ifira-Mele NP.MUU.3 Taa/muu/muu Deep, low-pitched (voice)
Hawaiian PN.PEE-HENA Peenaa Like that; to do or say like that (Rare).
Samoan PN.PEE-HENA Peenaa About this time. Like that (Mnr).
Samoan XW.KALE.2 ʔAale/i Drive (a canoe), paddle hard
Hawaiian PN.MA-RAMA.C Maalama Take care of, care for, beware...
Tongan PN.MAA-HINA Maahine/hina To show up white, to present a white appearance
Tokelau PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Light, beam (n); be clear, be distinct
East Uvea PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Transparent, qui laisse passer la lumière; clair (étoffe); troué, percé
East Futuna PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Briller (phare, lumière), éblouir (intransitif)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-HINA Maaina/ina Bask Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan MP.QOLOGAA ʔOlongaa A kind of tree with greyish leaves. (Its bark was formerly used for making string.)
Tuvalu OC.QANA-NAFI Annafi, anaafi, (NTO) nanaafi Yesterday