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138 Results matching "taha" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian PN.TA-FAGA.A (Vai)tahaʔa Rester nu
Tuamotu PN.TA-FAGA.A Tahaŋa(haŋa) Clear, naked, obvious
Easter Island EP.TA-FAGA.B Tahaŋa Only, solely, alone, wholly, without stopping, always, quite, a sort of superlative
Tuamotu EP.TA-FAGA.B Tahaŋa For a little while, just a moment, a little, moderately; suddenly; surely, certainly, positively
New Zealand Maori PN.TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Taha(a)rangi Horizon
Rennellese PN.TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Tahakigangi That part of the distant sky where Tehainga`atua's home is
New Zealand Maori CE.TAFAKURA Tahakura See in a dream
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.TAAFAO.A Tahao Roam about, stroll, just go for a walk
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.TAAFAO.B Tahao Play
Rennellese SO.TAFA-QATA Tahaʔata Morning; to be morning
Easter Island NP.TAFA-TAI Tahatai Beach, sea-coast, littoral, shore
New Zealand Maori NP.TAFA-TAI Tahatai Shore
Marquesas NP.TAFA-TAI Taha tai Seaside. Plage, beach (Atl).
Tahitian NP.TAFA-TAI Tahatai Bord de mer
Tuamotu NP.TAFA-TAI Tahatai The seashore
New Zealand Maori NP.TAFA-TOO Tahatoo Steep to, shelving rapidly (of the shore)
Rennellese PN.TAFA-QULI Tahaʔugi A large fish
Easter Island EP.TAA-SAE Moe tahae Be a light sleeper Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan EO.TASA Taha One
Niue EO.TASA Taha One; a, an, another
Rennellese PN.TAU-TAFA Tautaha Border, edge, as of a garden, house
Rennellese PN.TIALE Tiage/taha Coastal shrub, ?(Gardenia leucaena)
Tahitian CE.TIKI-RAU Tiʔirau A place at Taha`a Island (JPS 26.112)
New Zealand Maori CE.TII-TAFA Tiitaha Lean to one side, slant, pass to one side
Moriori CE.TII-TAFA Ti taha Against Problematic
Marquesas CE.TII-TAFA Titaha Se promener; aller et revenir sur ses pas. Faire les cent pas (Lch).
Tahitian CE.TII-TAFA Titaha Circuitous, round about, as a road
Tuamotu CE.TII-TAFA Tiitaha Pass by one side, swerve
Tongan XW.USO-TASA Uho taha Having the same mother
Nukumanu OC.KATAFA.A Kataha Frigate bird. (Great and Lesser) (Hdn).
Manihiki-Rakahanga EO.TAFA.1A Taha Near, beside
Tupuaki CE.KOO-TAFA.A Otaha Fregata aquila
Takuu PN.FATA-FATA Hatahata Chest (of a human)
Takuu NP.FATA.2 Hatahata Uneven surface of two badly joined pieces of wood or the ground where a bed is spread
Takuu OC.KATAFA.A Kataha Great Frigatebird (Fregata spp.)
Takuu PN.KATAFA.B Lau/kataha Birdsnest Fern (Asplenium nidus)
Takuu SO.TAFA-QATA Tahata Early morning, first light
Sikaiana SO.TAFA-QATA Tahaata The early morning before sunrise, from the first cock cry until the earliest rays of sunlight are seen
Takuu PN.TAFA-QULI Tahauri Fish [Caranx sp.], second growth stage between lluhe and sukimana
Easter Island PN.TAFA-TAFA Tahataha Border, edge, limit, margin, side
New Zealand Maori PN.TAFA-TAFA Tahataha Steep bank of river, etc.; slope of hill
Tuamotu PN.TAFA-TAFA Tahataha The littoral; whole length of land
Rennellese PN.TAFA-TAFA Tahataha Outskirts of village; along the side
Vaeakau-Taumako CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kotaha Black frigate bird Problematic
Takuu PN.FAKA-TAFA Ha(k)ataha Move aside, get out of the way; escape from being inside or in the path of something
Rennellese PN.FAKA-TAFA Hakataha To get out of the way or away, step aside; to dodge, as a missile; to be sideways, on the side
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-TAFA Whaka(ta)taha Go on one side, steal by; put on one side
Nuguria PN.FAKA-TAFA Hakataha Away, off
Nuguria PN.FATA-FATA Hatahata Breast, chest (of body)
Nuguria OC.KATAFA.A Kataha Frigate bird