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4190 Results matching "'a" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.HAALIQA Aiʔa Reef or rocks where seafood is gathered at low tide. Bas-fond de corail sur lequel les poulpes se tiennent ordinairement; récif de corail. Base de corail [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Lch).
Easter Island EP.QARIGA ʔAariŋa Face
Marquesas EP.QARIGA Aika (MQN), aiʔa (MQS) (Atl). Bâiller; cri que poussent les indigènes en bâillant (1904). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island PN.QARIKI ʔAriki Chief, king, lord, headman in general. Rey.
East Futuna PN.QARIKI ʔAliki Chief
East Uvea PN.QARIKI ʔAliki Chef, noble, seigneur
Mangareva PN.QARIKI ʔAk/ariki Roi, chef suprème, noble; terme d'adresse pour Dieu: "Seigneur"
Rennellese PN.QARIKI ʔAgiki Chief
Rotuman PN.QARIKI ʔAriki Chief Problematic
East Futuna MP.QALILI ʔAlili Univalve mollusc spp.
Rennellese MP.QALILI ʔAgigi Turban shells as used for spoons
Rennellese PN.QALITO ʔAtigo Core of a boil
East Uvea MP.QALO.1 ʔAlo Stomach (of chief)
East Uvea PN.QARO-FI ʔAlofi Le creux, le dedans; le cercle des chefs et des grandes personnalités dans un kava
Tongan MP.QALO.1 ʔAlo Lower part, belly (of a fish)
Namakir OC.QALO.2 Biʔalov Wave, beckon
East Futuna EO.QALO.3 ʔA/ʔalo/ Paddle, row
East Uvea EO.QALO.3 ʔA(lo)ʔalo Ramer
Rennellese EO.QALO.3 A/ʔago/ Paddle v
Sikaiana EO.QALO.3 ʔAlo Paddle
Tongan EO.QALO.3 ʔAlo/fi Paddle, row
Easter Island AN.QARO.A ʔAro Parte delantera, frente, lado
East Futuna AN.QARO.A ʔAlo Front , before, in front of
East Uvea AN.QARO.A ʔAlo Before, in front of
Rennellese NP.QARO-FI-LAGI ʔAgohi gangi Visible sky
Rennellese AN.QARO.A ʔAgo Front, coastline, front of human chest
Tongan AN.QARO.A ʔAo Front, especially of a person; presence; head (of coin); flat side (of cricket bat); private parts, genitals (us. fo'i 'ao)
Easter Island MP.QAROFA.A ʔAroha Commiseration, compassion, condolence. Grief, sorrow, sadness; regret, be sorry; pity (Wbr).
East Futuna MP.QAROFA.A ʔAlofa-ʔia Love, pity, compassion
East Uvea MP.QAROFA.A ʔAlofa Salut
Mangareva MP.QAROFA.A Aroʔa Compassion
Rarotongan MP.QAROFA.A Aroʔa-ʔia Greet, welcome, offer good wishes; welcome with a gift; have pity on; forgive
Rennellese MP.QAROFA.A ʔAgoha Pity v, feeling of love etc.
Tongan MP.QAROFA.A ʔAlo/ʔofa Love, pity, compassion (honorific for qofa)
Marquesas PN.QAROFA.B Kaʔoha, (ʔ)aʔoha. Ka/aʔoha (Mtu). Salut, bonjour, adieu; saluer. Salutation marquisien lors d'une rencontre, expression de l'amitié, de l'affection, de la bienveillance (Lch). Greetings.
Rarotongan PN.QAROFA.B Aroʔa Greet, welcome, salute
East Futuna SO.QALOFI ʔAlofi Name of island with sandy beaches screening Futuna from the trade-winds
East Uvea PN.QARO-FI-WAQE ʔAlofi-ʔi-vaʔe Sole of foot
Tongan PN.QARO-FI-WAQE ʔAofi vaʔe Sole of foot
East Futuna MP.QALOGO ʔAlogo Surgeonfish sp.
East Uvea MP.QALOGO ʔAlogo Fish sp. (Acanthurus lineatus)
Rennellese MP.QALOGO ʔAgongo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
Tongan MP.QALOGO ʔAlongo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
East Futuna PN.QALO-POQOU ʔAlopoʔou Woman pregnant for first time
East Uvea PN.QALO-POQOU ʔAlopoʔou Le premier accouchement
Marquesas PN.QALO-POQOU Aʔapou (MQN), ʔopou (MQS) Femme qui concoit pour la premiere fois
Rennellese PN.QALO-POQOU ʔAgopoʔou Firstborn, firstfruit
Easter Island LO.AAROTE ʔAarote Plough, to plough
Rarotongan LO.AAROTE ʔAarote Plough, cultivate
Tahitian LO.AAROTE ʔAarote Charrue (biblique); labourer