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277 Results matching "maki" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangaia NP.EQA.B Ea/a maki To recover from illness
Tahitian NP.FENUQU.B Fenuû To twist cords for net making
Ra'ivavae NP.FENUQU.B Hinu To twist fibres into cord for net-making Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.LOOMAKI.* Loomaki Le Déluge
Sikaiana PN.LOOMAKI.* Lomaki To push into the ground, as in planting
Anuta PN.LOOMAKI.* Romaki To plant a seedling by first digging a hole for it and placing the plant into the hole...
Anuta MP.KIE.A Kie Type of pandanus whose leaf is used in making mats
Anuta MP.PULA.1 Pura/rua For fire to light at both ends of fire plow track (in making fire by friction)
Anuta NP.TAKALO Pai taakaro To fool around; to play at making string figures
Manihiki-Rakahanga NP.KOLO-MAKI Haka/koromaki Sit without a stir
Niue EO.QALU.B Alu/maki Hasten, be in a hurry
Penrhyn AN.KATI Kaatinga Firm flesh of mature coconut, for making copra Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MP.IKE Héke A mallet for cloth-making
Samoan MP.SUKI.A Suʔi To thread on a string, as beads; to twist sugar-cane leaf on to a reed, as in making thatch; to do needlework Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MQ.PESE.2 Páihhe An amusement performed with the fingers and fine thread, analogous but incomparably superior, to the childish amusement called making cradles Uncertain
Tongan FJ.SAGA.1A Hanga Mat-weaving or tapa-making
Tongan PN.QOPO ʔOpo/tanga Several layers of beaten paper-mulberry bark (*tutu*) laid together for further beating (in the process of making tapa cloth).
Tongan MP.QOLOGAA ʔOlongaa A kind of tree with greyish leaves. (Its bark was formerly used for making string.)
Tuvalu PN.AMO.1B Amo Coconut fibre twisted ready for string-making
Tuvalu EC.KALISI.2 Kalihi Use Hibiscus bark as a spacer in net-making so as to make the net invisible to fish
Tuvalu NP.KOLO-MAKI Kolomaki Patient
Tuvalu PN.LOLO.1A Lolo Coconut cream for making oil
Tuvalu PN.MA-KILA Makila Appear, come in sight, shine, glisten
Tuvalu EC.NINO.* Nino Fine strand used in rope-making
Tuvalu PN.PAE-GA.A Paega Strips of coconut husk to be buried in preparation for sennit-making pile of stones used to make lau - kafa (local rope)
Tuvalu PN.TAMAKI.1 Taamaki Plan revenge
Tuvalu XW.NUTI Nuti/nuti Prepare a banana leaf for wreath-making by rubbing between hands until soft; rub and squeeze clothes under water