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450 Results matching "apo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan FJ.FESI.2 Fai/fesi/a To apologize Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan XW.FESI-QA Fai/fesia To apologize Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori TO.FAKA-TUU Whakatuu raakau Practise with weapons
Ifira-Mele PN.ONA-POO Napoo/fia Time, period
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Ve/luapoo Midnight Problematic
Nukuoro AN.SAPO Hapo To grasp, hold Phonologically Irregular
Niue CE.MATA-POOURI Matapoouli Blind one, the blind
Marquesas NP.POLI.B ʔA/poʔi/poʔi (MQS), kapoʔipoʔi (MQN). Ka/poi/poi, ʔa/poi/poi (Atl). Rond, arrondi, sphérique
Marquesas NP.TAA-POLA Kapoa. Kapoʔa (MQN) (Atl). Panier tressé en feuilles de cocotier. Panier ovale à large ouverture tressé en jeunes palmes de cocotier; large-mouthed oval basket woven with young coconut palms (Atl). Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas OC.MITI.3A Miti/kia Absorber, s'évaporer, se déssécher
Marquesas AN.PAKI.1 Pa/paki (MQN), pa/paʔi, pe/paʔi (MQS) Gifler, souffleter; repousser; frapper, battre, applaudir; clapotis de la mer; soufflet, gifle, tape; déployer une natte
Marquesas PN.HURU.B Uʔu tia. Uʔuʔia (Hiva Oa), uʔutia (Fatu Hiva) (i te tiaporo) Possédé (par le démon)
Marquesas PN.APO ʔApo ʔima Paume, palm (of hand) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva MP.LILI.2 Au/riri Clapotage; clapoter, heurter (se dit des vagues battant contre les rochers, une embarcation)
Mangareva FJ.MAPO Mapo Pâte qui ne colle pas (nourriture); se pourrir par l'humidité ou la crasse (vêtements), être pourri
Mangareva PN.POGA-POGA Pogapoga Avoir des fibres courtes et cassantes (bois)
Samoan FJ.LUFA Lufa A large black siapo Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island EP.KEWA.2 Haka/keba To aim with a weapon, closing one eye
Tongan PN.RAQA-KAU.B ʔAkau-taa Club (weapon); bow (of violin)
Niue PN.RAQA-KAU.B Akau Wood, timber; weapon
Tuamotu PN.RAQA-KAU.B Raakau A stick, twig; any piece of wood; wood in general, a log; (coll.) a spear, weapon; the phallus
New Zealand Maori PN.RAQA-KAU.B Raakau Wood, timber; stick, spar, mast; weapon; wooden
Mangareva PN.HURU.B ʔUru/ʔia te tiaporo Etre possédé; be possessed.
Niuafo'ou PN.QAA-POO ʔAapoo Tonight
Anuta AN.SAPO Tapo To catch in the hand (especially a falling or thrown object)
Anuta PN.QAA-POO Aapo Tomorrow night
Anuta PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Apongipongi Tomorrow
Anuta PN.MA-FOLA Maapora Generous Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta PN.MA-FOLA Mapora Spread out (of a large number of objects spread out on the floor of a house and ground outside)
Manihiki-Rakahanga CK.KORARE Korare Club (weapon)
Samoan PN.TAPA.1B Tapa One of the white borders of a *siapo*
East Futuna PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Chutes de tissu, natte ou *siapo*
Rarotongan PN.LOGA Group (of people, but not used before *ariki*, *rangatira*, *mataʔiapo* or *metua*)
Tongan OC.WILI.1A Vilo To rotate fast, twirl, spin; brandish (a weapon). Phonologically Irregular
Samoan FJ.HIFO.C Ifo To bow down, as do those conquered in war. Give in, surrender; make a formal apology (Mnr).
Tokelau SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Va(e)luaapoo Middle of the night
Rennellese SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Baguaapoo Late night, as between 12 and one; according to some, before midnight.
Tuvalu PN.QANA-POO Naapoo Last night
Tuvalu PN.QANA-POGIPOGI Naapogipogi This (past) morning, that (past) morning
Tuvalu PN.APO Apo Graceful, handsome of body; grace, fine appearance; proficient, accomplished (generally applied to actions, e.g. dancing, car driving)
Tuvalu FJ.KAPO.1 Kapo Catch and hold animates
Tuvalu EC.KAPO.2 Kapo Bird sp. (Heteroscelus incanus)
Tuvalu OC.KAPOA Kapoa Ground Shark
Tuvalu FJ.LUNA Luna A herb (Laportea ruderalis)
Tuvalu SO.PAPO Papo (Cheitinus trilobatus), (Epibulus insidiator)
Tuvalu PN.POGA-POGA Pogapoga Twist green nuts from a tree Problematic
Tuvalu AN.SAPO Hapo Catch a thrown object
Tuvalu NP.TAA-POLA Taapola Basket of plaited Coconut frond
Tuvalu SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Vae lua a poo. Valuaapoo (Jsn). Midnight
Tuvalu PN.POLA-POLA Polapola Type of basket