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39 Results matching "to'a" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.FAQI-TOTOKA Faaitotoʔa Door, gate, entrance
Samoan PN.FAKA-TOKA Faʔatoʔa First
East Futuna NP.KA-ITOQA Aitoʔa Tant mieux! (exclamation d'ironie ou de mépris)
East Futuna NP.KA-ITOQA Mo/itoʔa/ Tant mieux! (exclamation d'ironie ou de mépris)
East Uvea NP.KA-ITOQA Aitoʔa Tant mieux!
East Uvea NP.KA-ITOQA Kaitoʔa Tant mieux! (plus usité)
East Uvea NP.KA-ITOQA Moʔi/itoʔa/ Tant mieux!
Tongan NP.KA-ITOQA Maʔ/itoʔa Serves you (him etc.) right
Rotuman PN.KATOA Katoʔa Hundred fish Problematic
Tahitian PN.KATOA Atoʔa Tous, toutes (après une forme nominale); aussi (après une forme verbale) Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.LOTO-QAA Lotoʔaa House compound
Easter Island PN.MATA-TOQA Matatoʔa Jefe de tribu
East Futuna PN.MATA-TOQA Mata toʔa Bold
Tongan PN.MATA-TOQA Mata-toʔa Bold-faced
Tahitian PN.TAGAQU Toʔau Poisson de la famille des Lutjanidae (Lutjanus vaigensis) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.TOQA Toʔa Adversary, enemy, murderer. Betray; traitor (enemy by implication) (Wbr).
East Futuna PN.TOQA Toʔa Brave
East Uvea PN.TOQA Toʔa Brave
Marquesas PN.TOQA Toʔa, toʔah Male animal; champion
Rennellese PN.TOQA Toʔa Strength, authority, win v, be strong
Rotuman PN.TOQA Toʔa Intrepid, valiant; a brave person Problematic
Tongan PN.TOQA Toʔa Courageous; hero
Rarotongan FJ.TOFA.1A Toʔa/toʔa Spread (out), as clothes to dry
Tahitian EO.TOGA ʔApa/toʔa South
Samoan PN.TOKA.1 Toʔa A rock rising near to the surface of the sea on which a canoe may strike; to strike on a rock, to ground, as a canoe
Tahitian PN.TOKA.1 Toʔa Bloc de corail, "patate" de corail. Rock, coral rock variety (Wte).
Samoan MP.TOKA.2A Toʔa Set, congeal, solidify
Samoan PN.TOKA.2B Toʔa Calm, relief
Samoan SO.TOKA-.4 Toʔa- Classifying particle prefixed to numbers in reference to humans
Samoan PN.TOKO-RUA Toʔalua A wife or husband
Marquesas NP.TOLA.1 Toʔa, toka Mouvements de la concupiscence, erotomanie Problematic
Tahitian CE.TOOGAAFUA Toʔahua Crépine (du cochon)
Easter Island PN.KATOA Ta/ʔatoʔa All Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese NP.KA-ITOQA Hakaitoʔa Rejoice, as over the death or misfortune of a foe, or for a man receiving the chest tattoo
Mangareva FJ.TOFA.1A To/toʔa Etendre quelque chose pour la faire sécher
Mangaia FJ.TOFA.1A (To)toʔa Spread [ex. soil]
Rarotongan FJ.TOFA.1A To/toʔa Spread (vt, vi)
Mangareva PN.TOFA.2 Toʔa Fouiller en cherchant; rummage, ransack Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.TOLA.1 E, Toʔah Mad, crazy Uncertain Semantic Connection