#89.4: Other Sea Creatures.

Reconstruction Description
AMI Crustacean roe
FAASUA Tridacna clam sp *(f,w)aasua
FALELO Coral sp. (probably staghorn) (Hwd)
FATUKE.* Slate-pencil urchins (Heterocentrotus spp.)
FEKE Octopus
FEO Coral
FEQATA.B Beche de mer sp.
FIGOTA Sea creatures except turtles and fish; especially shellfish
FOLE Shellfish sp.
FONU.2 Turtle
FUA.3D Part of a clam; fish eggs, roe
FUHU Cone-shell (Conus spp.)
FUNA-FUNA A bĂȘche-de-mer (Holothuria sp.)
GAQE-GAQE Giant clam (Tridacna)
GETI.2 A marine creature
GUU.2 Squid
HOKO.2 Hinge of bivalve
HUU-WAI A shellfish
KAIPEA.* Land crab sp. (Hwd)
KALEQA A univalve shellfish sp
KALI-KAO A univalve mollusc (Trochus sp.)
KALU-KALU.A Jellyfish
KAMA-KAMA.1 Crab sp: *ka(ma)-kama
KAMU.3 Coral
KANA.1 A kind of sponge used as an abrasive; to polish with such
KAPI-KAPI.* Jellyfish sp
KASI.1 Bivalve shellfish (Asaphidae)
KATA.4 Snake, eel, intestinal worm
KAVITI.1 Crab sp., ghost crab (Ocypode sp.)
KAWEU. Coconut crab (Birgus latro)
KAWIKI Crab sp., ghost crab (Ocypode sp.)
KEA.2 Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
KEKESO Marine sp
KINA.1 Sea-urchin
KOI.1 Shellfish sp
KOO-FITI.2 Crab sp
KOO-KOTA Bivalve shellfish
KOO-QURA.* Crayfish
KOO-TAWA.2 Mollusc sp.
KOO-TORE.B Sea anemone
KUKA.1 Mangrove Crab
KUKU.2 Mussel sp
KUNU Shellfish sp.
LOLI Sea-slug, sea-cucumber (Holothuria)
MAMA.3 Limpet or chiton
MANA.3 A kind of crustacean: *mana(a)

119 entries found