#89.4: Other Sea Creatures.
Reconstruction | Description |
AMI | Crustacean roe |
FAASUA | Tridacna clam sp *(f,w)aasua |
FALELO | Coral sp. (probably staghorn) (Hwd) |
FATUKE.* | Slate-pencil urchins (Heterocentrotus spp.) |
FEKE | Octopus |
FEO | Coral |
FEQATA.B | Beche de mer sp. |
FIGOTA | Sea creatures except turtles and fish; especially shellfish |
FOLE | Shellfish sp. |
FONU.2 | Turtle |
FUA.3D | Part of a clam; fish eggs, roe |
FUHU | Cone-shell (Conus spp.) |
FUNA-FUNA | A bĂȘche-de-mer (Holothuria sp.) |
GAIKA | Coral |
GAQE-GAQE | Giant clam (Tridacna) |
GETI.2 | A marine creature |
GUU-FEKE | Squid |
GUU.2 | Squid |
HOKO.2 | Hinge of bivalve |
HUU-WAI | A shellfish |
KAIPEA.* | Land crab sp. (Hwd) |
KALA-MISI | Crab sp |
KALEQA | A univalve shellfish sp |
KALI-KAO | A univalve mollusc (Trochus sp.) |
KALU-KALU.A | Jellyfish |
KAMA-KAMA.1 | Crab sp: *ka(ma)-kama |
KAMU.3 | Coral |
KANA.1 | A kind of sponge used as an abrasive; to polish with such |
KAPI-KAPI.* | Jellyfish sp |
KASI.1 | Bivalve shellfish (Asaphidae) |
KATA.4 | Snake, eel, intestinal worm |
KAVITI.1 | Crab sp., ghost crab (Ocypode sp.) |
KAWEU. | Coconut crab (Birgus latro) |
KAWIKI | Crab sp., ghost crab (Ocypode sp.) |
KEA.2 | Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) |
KEKESO | Marine sp |
KINA.1 | Sea-urchin |
KOI.1 | Shellfish sp |
KOO-FITI.2 | Crab sp |
KOO-KOTA | Bivalve shellfish |
KOO-QURA.* | Crayfish |
KOO-TAWA.2 | Mollusc sp. |
KOO-TORE.B | Sea anemone |
KUKA.1 | Mangrove Crab |
KUKU.2 | Mussel sp |
KUNU | Shellfish sp. |
LOLI | Sea-slug, sea-cucumber (Holothuria) |
MAGAMAGA-QA-TAI | Starfish |
MAMA.3 | Limpet or chiton |
MANA.3 | A kind of crustacean: *mana(a) |
119 entries found