Recent changes to POLLEX-Online

Date Change Log
00:28 05-03-25 Change to protoform PALU.1 [PN] Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus)
03:49 01-03-25 Change to protoform AKI [CE] Beat, pound
03:44 01-03-25 Change to protoform HAKAU [OC] Coral reef
09:26 17-02-25 Change to protoform SUMU.3 [PN] Name of a celestial object
09:18 17-02-25 Change to protoform SALAPOLU [NO] Name of a constellation
09:11 17-02-25 Change to protoform MELE.2 [NP] A star (Venus or Antares)
09:09 17-02-25 Change to protoform MAILAPA [NO] Name of a star or constellation
06:47 17-02-25 Change to protoform TOLU [AN] Three
06:42 17-02-25 Change to protoform SIMU* [NO] Triggerfish (Balistidae)
03:21 17-02-25 Change to protoform SIMU.B [NO] A constellation: Southern Cross
06:41 17-02-25 Change to protoform SUMU.3 [PN] Name of a celestial object
06:41 17-02-25 Change to protoform SUMU.3 [PN] Name of a celestial object
05:51 17-02-25 Change to protoform MANU.1B [NP] Name of a star or constellation
05:48 17-02-25 Change to protoform SALAPOLU [NO] Name of a constellation
05:45 17-02-25 Change to protoform MAILAPA [NO] Name of a star or constellation
05:40 17-02-25 Change to protoform UNU.4 [NO] Name of a constellation
05:39 17-02-25 Change to protoform AOUNU [NO] Name of a constellation
04:09 17-02-25 Change to protoform KUMETE [EO] Wooden bowl
04:06 17-02-25 Change to protoform MAILAPA [NO] Name of a star or constellation
03:57 17-02-25 Change to protoform TALO.1 [AN] Taro (Colocasia esculenta)
03:56 17-02-25 Change to protoform SALAPOLU [NO] Name of a constellation
03:53 17-02-25 Change to protoform TOLU [AN] Three
03:48 17-02-25 Change to protoform TUPA [OC] Landcrab
03:46 17-02-25 Change to protoform TOKI [AN] Adze, axe
03:40 17-02-25 Change to protoform SALAPOLU [NO] Name of a constellation