History for Protoform MANU.1B [NP] Name of a star or constellation

Date Change Level Protoform Description Notes
05:51 17-02-25 Added entry "Nukuoro: [Manu]". MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

03:27 17-02-25 Added entry "Sikaiana: [Manu]". MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

03:07 17-02-25 No fields changed. MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

22:28 16-02-25 Changed description for entry "Nukumanu: [Manu]". MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

11:02 16-02-25 Added entry "Takuu: [A/manu]". MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

10:58 16-02-25 Added entry "Nukumanu: [Manu]". MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

23:09 15-12-18 Changed description. Added entry "Nuguria: [Aa/manu]". MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation

22:53 15-12-18 Added entry "Mangaia: [Manu]". MANU.1B A star name

21:08 15-12-18 Initial version. MANU.1B A star name