Entries from Irwin Howard, ms dictionary in Pollex-Online

Language Item Description
Takuu Tava/tava Tree sp.
Takuu Fakat/teki/ Cause to throb, twitch or shiver
Takuu Tifa Glide, soar (of a bird)
Takuu T/tiri/ Bump into, collide
Takuu Toe In excess, remain, more than, left over (as after a distribution); woman who has passed a marriageable age but is still unmarried
Takuu Tofe Bivalve mollusc with sharp edges formerly used for shaving
Takuu Tofe Of a canoe having straight sides that come together in a V-shape
Takuu Tofi Split or tear apart, as a fish
Takuu Tolo Sugarcane
Takuu Tona Yaws
Takuu Toto Bleed
Takuu Tua Back
Takuu Tifuna Craftsman, skilled person
Takuu Tuu tae Pile of feces Problematic
Takuu Ufi Yam
Takuu Ufi Cover up
Takuu Ufu Fish sp.
Takuu Urafi Fish sp.
Takuu Utua Land normally under sea but exposed by low tide
Takuu Vaimarie Sweet Problematic
Takuu Vai-uu Mother's milk
Takuu Fana Sea-urchin sp.
Takuu Vela Heat
Takuu Viri Pump
Takuu Kapi (Of garment) narrow, tight-fitting; a tight squeeze, blocked...difficult to put in or take out, stuck, lodged...crowded
Takuu Tua Roof of a house
Takuu Tuaa- Actual or conceptual back or bottom part of an object
Takuu Maatino Distinguishable, clear, diferentiated, known; be clear about, understand
Takuu Fakateretere To race (canoes)
Takuu A/au (Obs) Tattooing needle, set of tattooing combs
Takuu Inaki Vertical row of thatch panels
Takuu Karu/karu Tissues surrounding the entrance of the vagina
Takuu Tapuvae Heel of the foot
Takuu Tau Prow cover on an ancient canoe
Takuu T/tau (obs.) Bow board of ancient canoe; decorated upper bow section
Takuu Fatturi Thunder
Takuu Mata/mata Stare at
Takuu Tafa Outside (of an object); aside
Takuu Napa Ashamed, shy, restrained
Takuu Faka- Causative prefix
Takuu Fakallono, fakannoo Listen; listen to, listen for
Takuu Fatiuku Measure from fingertip to opposite elbow
Takuu Kafukafu karamata Eyelid
Takuu L/lofi Flooded, inundated
Takuu Ai Why
Takuu Aka/aka Young Cyrtosperma shoot sprung up by side of parent
Takuu Amo Rub
Takuu Ana sara Crooked
Takuu Ana/ana Act as nursemaid to; support (as with clothes or food)
Takuu Kamai Fish sp.: Rainbow Runner (Elegatis bipinnulatus)