Entries from Ralph Gardner White in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Tahitian Aarai Protect. S' interposer, empêcher (Lmt).
Tahitian Aanuanua Rainbow
Tahitian ʔAʔaa Parrot sp.
Tahitian ʔIva/ʔiva Dark, dismal
Tahitian Reva A tree (Barringtonia sp.) ; (Cerbera forsteri)
Tahitian Miri/miri/ Handle, examine, massage, fondle, caress. Toucher et examiner un object, caresser (Lmt).
Tahitian Haʔa/mori/ Worship, make offerings to . To worship a Deity, to perform religious services (Dvs).
Tahitian Nuanua (Decaspermum fruticosum). The name of a tree of hard texture (Dvs).
Tahitian Toʔotoʔo Staff, cane
Tahitian Haʔamori Worship, make offerings to . To worship a Deity, to perform religious services (Dvs).