Entries from Te Rono Tauareka 2013 in Pollex-Online

Te Rono Tauareka i na tattara Nukumanu (New Testament). Wycliffe Bible Translators (2013).

Language Item Description
Nukumanu Tipuna Ancestor(s)
Nukumanu Na Plural definite article
Nukumanu Inoa Name
Nukumanu Kaamata Begin
Nukumanu Tae Until
Nukumanu Taina Brother (of male)
Nukumanu Laaua Third person dual pronoun
Nukumanu Tinna Mother
Nukumanu Tama Child
Nukumanu I mua Before, previously; of old; in front of, ahead of
Nukumanu Haanau Be born
Nukumanu Kanna, ka/kanna (pass. kanna ria) Call, called; shout
Nukumanu S/anahuru Ten
Nukumanu Haa Four
Nukumanu Tattara Say; speech, language; words; news, account; greet; conspire
Nukumanu Iroa (pl. illoa). Iloa (Sar). Know; known, found out
Nukumanu Hai tama (pl. hai ttama) Pregnant
Nukumanu Mahi Work (v,n); power, authority; very (post-verbal particle); (heavenly) body
Nukumanu Anana Spirit, soul
Nukumanu Tapu (pl. ttapu) Holy, sacred
Nukumanu Ha/kaatoa All; together
Nukumanu Maanatu (pl. mannatu, mamannatu) Intend, think; think about; remember
Nukumanu Tiaki (pl. ttiaki) Divorce; allow, let; leave (place), leave behind, take leave of; neglect; forsake
Nukumanu He/muu Quietly; in secret, in private
Nukumanu I roto In
Nukumanu Miti Dream
Nukumanu Mokopuna Descendant
Nukumanu Auu/ se Negative imperative
Nukumanu Mataku (pl. mattaku) Fear
Nukumanu Too (pass. too ria) Take
Nukumanu Tamariki (pl. tamalliki) Child
Nukumanu Tanata (pl. taanata) Male, man
Nukumanu A/koe You (sg)
Nukumanu Haka/sao (pl. hakassao) Save, escape, flee
Nukumanu (Hai) sara (pl. ssara) Sin, do wrong; crime, sin
Nukumanu Noho (pl. nnoho) (mult. nohonoho) Be (in place), live, stay, sit
Nukumanu Taatou We (inc)
Nukumanu I aruna Up; on
Nukumanu A/nake East
Nukumanu Hetuu Star
Nukumanu Tee/hee Where?
Nukumanu Maatou We (exclusive, plural)
Nukumanu Kite (pl. kkite) See
Nukumanu Vahi Place; side
Nukumanu Oo mai Come (plural subject)
Nukumanu Haka/maru Worship
Nukumanu Rono (pl. llono) Hear; feel (hunger)
Nukumanu Hihia (pl. hihhia) Happy, pleased, rejoice, celebrate
Nukumanu Se Not, negative particle
Nukumanu I hee Where?