Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Vaa Distance along a known (and usually stated) route (noun of place, not preceded by an article); in compounds, gap or distance between two or more objects...
Takuu Ani (Of a gust of wind) blow; blow gently
Takuu Ano Turmeric (Curcuma domestica), the plant as well as the processed rhizome
Takuu Ao Daylight; day (as opposed to night)
Takuu Au Body part, possibly gall-bladder
Takuu Au Smoke; steam in a cloud rather than a column
Takuu Ai Post-verbal particle in relative clauses
Takuu Aitu Spirit, ghost
Takuu Aka Lateral root of a tree or plant
Takuu Kavei Name of a constellation
Takuu Aaka/si Kick something with the sole of the foot; (of leg) kick out; extend in kicking motion
Takuu Ako Learn, study
Takuu Ara Awake; stay awake; open one's eyes
Takuu Fe/arati/ To scratch an itch
Takuu Arava Type of shark which excretes a yellow, apparently glowing substance when hooked; to be brownish, yellowish-orange
Takuu Areare Small adze with concave ventral surface made from inner lip of conch shell
Takuu Arelo Tongue
Takuu Ari Flounder, flatfish of various species
Takuu Ariki Hereditary chief and traditional religous leader
Takuu Aro Paddle, row
Takuu Aruna Headrest, wooden pillow; low four-legged stool
Takuu Ami Egg cluster of a crayfish or crab; crustacean roe
Takuu Aamo/si Rub one's body or body-part; anoint the skin
Takuu Amo Carry something on the shoulder
Takuu (Aa)nau I
Takuu Anu Dance (general term)
Takuu Aa/moko Early stage of coconut growth: small, some elongated, with no liquid inside; [of coconut] deformed with no meat or water
Takuu Ao Wind around (in tying certain type of knot); grasp in an embrace
Takuu Ao/a Cloud
Takuu Api Crowded with people
Takuu Asi Inspect, visit; check on someone or something; wait for an egg-laying turtle to arrive at a beach (so that it can be caught)
Takuu Aso Day
Takuu Asu Scoop; dip a container into water; fill a container from a tank, drum, canoe
Takuu Ata Early dawn; glow of moon before it rises
Takuu Ata Reflection, image, shadow; style, personal characteristic
Takuu Atamai Have clear recall of past events or information, possess a good memory; (of a small child) smart, wise, clever; sober
Takuu Ate Liver
Takuu Ate Muscle of the arm or calf. Inner part of elbow (Hwd).
Takuu Aatea Free from restrictions of shame or forbiddance or ignorance to undertake a specific task; (of a house or area) clean; neat, uncluttered; (of water) clean, clear, free of impurities; (of the sky) clear, free of clouds
Takuu Ati Take fire from one location to another; (of a fire) start to burn
Takuu Oto/oto (pass. oto/hia) Tie pandanus thatch to a roof, tie mat panels to the sides of a house Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Atu Post-verbal particle indicating movement away from the speaker, extension or increase in the property denoted by the verb
Takuu Atu Bonito; skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Takuu Atu Tensioning strap of a backstrap loom
Takuu Au Come (singular); (of a spirit) come to a person and cause him/her to be possessed
Takuu Au Current of water, stream
Takuu Aua Silver Mullet or Sea Mullet (Mugil cephalus) when very small
Takuu Au see Negative imperative marker, don't!
Takuu Ava Deep passage in reef, channel
Takuu Aavea, aavee Wait a minute, hang on