Entries from Simona 1986 in Pollex-Online

Simona, R. e. a. (1986). Tokelau Dictionary. Apia, Western Samoa, Office of Tokelau Affairs.

Language Item Description
Tokelau A personal article, used before personal names after the prepositions i and ki
Tokelau -a Expressing abundance or plentiful supply
Tokelau Afaa Storm, hurricane
Tokelau Aahaga Reef space between two islets on an atoll
Tokelau Afe Turn, lift; turn to one side, call at a place
Tokelau Afe Gust of wind, draught
Tokelau Afe Thousand
Tokelau Aafea Interrogative adverb referring to future time: when, at what time?
Tokelau Afi Fire, matches, lighter; oven; motor, engine
Tokelau Afi/hi Carry or hold something under the arm; carry child on hip Borrowed
Tokelau Afiafi Afternoon and evening
Tokelau Afo Line attached to the skip-jack rod
Tokelau Palapala Mud, dirt, blood
Tokelau Afuafu Light shower, drizzle
Tokelau Afulu Two-saddled Goatfish (Parupeneus bifasciatus)
Tokelau Aga Habit, custom
Tokelau Agi The blowing of the wind
Tokelau Aava Respect, politeness, honour
Tokelau Avaa- Prefix meaning "two together"
Tokelau Aoa/uli Mid-morning; mid-day, noon Problematic
Tokelau Au Gall bladder; gall, bile
Tokelau Ai Anaphoric particle
Tokelau Analei/laa Sometime earlier on the present day
Tokelau Naanei Sometime later today (generally in the afternoon or evening)
Tokelau Aka Root
Tokelau Akiaki White Tern (Gygis alba)
Tokelau Ako Learn, teach
Tokelau Ia Third person singular clitic pronoun
Tokelau Ala Be awake
Tokelau Aalaga Thigh; leg, of pork or other meat
Tokelau Aalai Reef inside the lagoon
Tokelau Araarafutu Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus)
Tokelau Alati To scratch the body with the fingers
Tokelau Alelo Tongue
Tokelau Ali Left-eye Flounder (Bothus mancus)
Tokelau Atilo Core or head of a boil
Tokelau Alo Front or face
Tokelau Alofa/aga Greetings, salutations
Tokelau Aluga Pillow, cushion
Tokelau Amanaki Have expectation with confidence
Tokelau Ami Crab and lobster eggs
Tokelau Aamio Manners, ways, actions; behave, conduct oneself Problematic
Tokelau Amo Separated and twisted coconut husk fibres for plaiting sinnet
Tokelau Amutia (Of people) be fortunate, be lucky
Tokelau Ana- Prefix occurring in adverbs referring to past time
Tokelau Ao Collect, gather; be good, successful at catching or gathering foodstuffs
Tokelau Aoga/a Be of use, useful; be effective, work
Tokelau Anufe Caterpillar, worm
Tokelau Anafea Interrogative adverb referring to past time: when?
Tokelau Ananafi Yesterday