Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu A Personal article
Tuamotu Aafaa Break forth violently (as a storm) Problematic
Tuamotu Ka heea When will?
Tuamotu Ahi Fire
Tuamotu Ahiahi Evening
Tuamotu Aho Breathe, breath
Tuamotu Aahu Steam, vapour; hot from exertion
Tuamotu Ahu Pile, heap up
Tuamotu Ahuua The form, appearance, semblance, character
Tuamotu Ahuua An elevated place on shore exposed to the breaking waves
Tuamotu Ahuru Fish sp
Tuamotu Aŋa(aŋa) Head of phallus Problematic
Tuamotu Aŋa Head (Obs.) Problematic
Tuamotu Aŋi Breeze
Tuamotu Aŋi Unencumbered, free, light
Tuamotu Aŋo/aŋo Tall and thin (of persons)
Tuamotu Ao Day (not night)
Tuamotu Au Smoke
Tuamotu Ai Referential and circumstantial particle
Tuamotu Ai Copulate
Tuamotu Aitu Ghost, spirit
Tuamotu Aka Small root
Tuamotu Aki Dash, beat against, beat upon
Tuamotu Akiaki/puŋa Light coloured bird sp
Tuamotu Ako Learn, teach
Tuamotu Vaku Scratch, rub off, scrape off, abrade
Tuamotu Aakuuanei Today in a little while, today a little later on, presently, soon
Tuamotu Ara Awake
Tuamotu Arahi Lead, guide, conduct v
Tuamotu Aarai Screen v
Tuamotu Arava Voracious, man-eating shark sp. Requin citron (Negaprion acutidens) (Bct).
Tuamotu Areea Isolated open space, area
Tuamotu Arero Tongue, clitoris
Tuamotu Karero Feeler (sic) of squid, octopus; ? the phallus
Tuamotu Ari (Lay) bare; visible; be white
Tuamotu Aria Shallow passage, inlet filled with rocks, leading into lagoon
Tuamotu Ariki Chief
Tuamotu Ariri Variety of edible shellfish, Turbo
Tuamotu Aro Front
Tuamotu Karo The pudenda muliebria (obs.) Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu Aroha Love, pity, compassion
Tuamotu Aru Follow, pursue
Tuamotu Aruŋa Upper regions
Tuamotu Aamio Contract and expand gently
Tuamotu Amo Carry on a shoulder-pole
Tuamotu Amu/amu Slander, disparage, back-bite
Tuamotu Ana Post-posed particle, continuance of action or state
Tuamotu Ana Cave
Tuamotu Anake Alone, only, without exception
Tuamotu Aa nanahi Tomorrow