Entries from Churchill 1912 in Pollex-Online

Churchill, W. (1912). Easter Island: the Rapanui speech and the peopling of southeast Polynesia. Washington, DC, The Carnegie Institution of Washington.

Language Item Description
Easter Island Ae Yes
Easter Island Ahea When
Easter Island ʔAruʔaru To pursue
Easter Island Anake Unique
Easter Island Ata/ata Sunset
Easter Island Atiati Wait for (Chl). Not in (Fts)
Easter Island ʔEhu/ʔehu Cineciento, gris . Brown, brownish
Easter Island Hahi(hi) Packet of fish wrapped up in leaves; to wrap up
Easter Island Haite Numeral Problematic
Easter Island Hahi A package Problematic
Easter Island Hetuke Sea-urchin
Easter Island Pupuhi henua Volley
Easter Island Hihi Eyebrow ; antennae, feelers, eyebrow. Edge (Wbr).
Easter Island Hiro/hiro Mix, blend
Easter Island Hiti Rise, appear at dawn
Easter Island Hoohonu Deep
Easter Island Hora/hora to spread
Easter Island Hua The same
Easter Island Hua To bloom, sprout, flower, fruit
Easter Island Huatahi Only son
Easter Island Huhu Strip; graze surface
Easter Island ŋaru To swim over the waves . Dejarse arrastrar por la marejada a la playa [body-surfing]
Easter Island ŋatu Compress, crush, knead; oppress, press ; to feel of, to pinch, to throttle with the hands, to touch, to press ; apretar, aprensar aigo; Henar un hoyo (saco, canasto etc.), apretendo las cosas que ses meten adentro. Knead, crush, press (Wbr).
Easter Island Iho Down
Easter Island Mata/kao/ Oar, paddle, clitoris . Remo
Easter Island Katikati Scratch, claw Problematic
Easter Island Kava Bitter
Easter Island Kavai Chin beard Problematic
Easter Island Kaviri To envelop, to wrap . Not in
Easter Island Kiko Flesh, meat
Easter Island Kiore Rat
Easter Island Koroua Decrepit, old age, worn with age
Easter Island Kuia Booby
Easter Island Kume Pull out, extract. Desatornillar, desempaquetar, desenredar, desenvolver, deshacer (un enredo, un paquete), destapar, extraer, sacar. Disentangle, draw out, open, undo, unwrap, unscrew (Fts).
Easter Island Kumi Ten fathoms
Easter Island Rahui Prohibit
Easter Island Ra/rama To inspect, to review . Registrar, inspeccionar, revisar (Fts).
Easter Island Rapu Work, workman; till the soil, to hoe . Limpar un terreno de pasto Problematic
Easter Island Haka/rava Enlarge, augment, add
Easter Island Rehu To omit, forget, faint. Olvidar, olvidarse. Forget (Wbr). Problematic
Easter Island Reke Spur, talon, claw, heel. Heel, heel-piece.
Easter Island Emu To leak, drown, founder. Sink (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Rapo Clay ; pumice Problematic
Easter Island Rona Drawing, traction
Easter Island Roto Inside, lining. Interior (Wbr).
Easter Island Roto Marsh, swamp, bog. Pool (Wbr).
Easter Island Rua Cave, hollow, ditch, pit, hole, beaten path, grave. Hole, grave (referring only to the open grave pit) (Wbr).
Easter Island Mauku Grass, hay, straw, herbs . Term for every kind of grass
Easter Island Maka Stone
Easter Island Marie Calm, fair weather, unruffled sea