#88.4: Other Plants.
Reconstruction | Description |
KUTA | A sedge (Eleocharis sp.) *kut(a,u) |
LAFI.3 | Paper mulberry, barkcloth |
LAU-FALA | Pandanus leaves for weaving; a type of pandanus |
LAU-TOLU | Creeper sp. |
LOGO-LOGO | Cycad species (Cycas rumphii [= circinalis]) |
LUNA | Herb sp |
MA-TILA | Bamboo; bamboo fishing rod; bamboo knife |
MAAFAQI | A climbing or creeping plant sp, probably Luffa cylindrica |
MAGEHO.B | A stinging plant: *ma(a)g(e,i)ho |
MAILE | A fragrant vine or shrub (Alyxia sp.) |
MAMAGI | A plant: Ma(a)ma(a)gi |
MAMAKU | Fern (Cyathea sp.) |
MAQUTOFU | A plant |
MASELE | Sedge sp.: *ma(h,s)ele(sele) |
MATA-MOSO | A plant with red seeds |
MOLOKAU.B | A vine |
MOSE-MOSE | A plant |
NAAKUU | A kind of plant |
NASE | A large fern (Angiopteris sp.) with edible root |
NAU-PATA | A plant (Scaevola sp.) |
NAU.1 | A plant (Lepidium sp.) |
NEFE | Plant sp |
NUKA-NUKA | A shrub (Decaspermum fruticosum) |
OI.3 | A kind of rush |
OLA.2 | Shrub sp |
PAI.2 | Plant sp |
PAKO | A sedge (Cyperus sp.) |
PALA-TAO | Fern sp: *pal(a,e)tao |
PALA.2 | Tree-fern sp |
PITU | Bamboo |
PIU.1 | Fan Palm (Pritchardia pacifica) |
POGA.1 | A tree fern (Cyathea sp.) |
POKEA | Purslane (Portulaca sp.) |
POLO.1 | Plant sp. (Solanum sp.) |
POO-FUE.* | Various creeping or climbing plants |
POONIU.2 | A plant (Cardiospermum halicacabum) |
PUUFAA | An edible herb |
QATIU | A vine (Cucumis sp.) *(q)a(a)tiu |
QUU.B | Reed (Miscanthus sp.) |
RAUPO | Bulrush: *raupo(o) |
SAAKATO | Fern sp |
SALUFE | Fern sp.: *(s,h)(a,u)(l,n)ufe |
SANA.2 | Job`s Tears (Coix sp.), which are round and pearly-white and used for necklaces |
SEFA | Grass sp. (Grf) |
SEKA | (White) fungus, mould |
SIAPO | Paper-mulberry plant (Broussonetia sp.); bark-cloth |
SIGANO | Pandanus flower; Pandanus sp |
SINA-SINA | A plant |
SINU.2 | A shrub or tree with irritating sap (perhaps Phaleria sp.) |
SORA | (Tephrosia purpurea), a plant used to poison fish: *(f,s)ora |
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