Protoform: MAAFAQI [PN] A climbing or creeping plant sp, probably Luffa cylindrica

Description: A climbing or creeping plant sp, probably Luffa cylindrica
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Maafaʔi Plante grimpante dont le fruit est une espèce de concombre. (Luffa cylindrica) (Whr) (Gzl)
East Futuna Maafai Liane grimpante très dure (sorte de cornichon sauvage) (Mfr)
East Uvea Maafai Plante grimpante dont le fruit est une espèce de concombre ou de cornichon sauvage. (Luffa cylindrica) (Whr) (Btn)
New Zealand Maori Maawhai (Sicyos angulata) and (Cassytha paniculata), plant spp. Uncertain Semantic Connection (Wms)
Tahitian Mahai/nui The name of a tree that is used medicinally Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
Tongan Mafaʔi Creeper sp. (Luffa cylindrica) (Whr)

6 entries found

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