#88.4: Other Plants - Others Alphabetically by genus.
Reconstruction | Description |
AGI.3 | A plant (Coprosma sp.) |
AGO.1 | A plant, turmeric (Curcuma longa) |
AKA-TASA | Herb sp. (Rorippa sarmentosa): *aka-tas(a,i) |
AKA.B | Creeper sp., kudzu (Pueraria lobata) |
ATE.2 | A shrub (Wedelia [=Wollastonia] biflora) (Clk) |
FALAGI | Plant sp., Melicope |
FISO-QA | (Colubrina asiatica) |
GASU.2 | A seaside shrub (Scaevola sp.) |
KAKAMIKA | Herb spp. (Ageratum and Siegesbeckia) |
KALAQAPUSI | A shrub sp. (Acalypha grandis) |
KAWA-KAWA-QATUA | Shrub or vine (Piper sp.) |
KAWA-PUI | Plant sp., ginger (Zingiber) |
KAWA-PUSI.* | A fragrant plant |
KAWA-SUSU | A shrub (Tephrosia purpurea) used to poison fish: *ka(wa,u)susu |
KISI-KISI | Oxalis spp |
KOO-KISI | A herb |
KOO-KURU. | Soapberry (Sapindus saponaria) |
KOO-PORO | Solanum sp |
LOGO-LOGO | Cycad species (Cycas rumphii [= circinalis]) |
MOQOTIPO | Plant sp. (Urena lobata) |
NAU-PATA | A plant (Scaevola sp.) |
NAU.1 | A plant (Lepidium sp.) |
NUKA-NUKA | A shrub (Decaspermum fruticosum) |
PIU.1 | Fan Palm (Pritchardia pacifica) |
POKEA | Purslane (Portulaca sp.) |
POLO.1 | Plant sp. (Solanum sp.) |
POONIU.2 | A plant (Cardiospermum halicacabum) |
SANA.2 | Job`s Tears (Coix sp.), which are round and pearly-white and used for necklaces |
SORA | (Tephrosia purpurea), a plant used to poison fish: *(f,s)ora |
TALA-QA-MOA | A bush (Caesalpinia sp.): *tala(tala)-qaa-moa |
TALO-TALO | Spider Lily (Crinum asiaticum) (Grf) |
TAMA-TAMA | A plant (Achyranthes sp.) |
TAMOLE | A fragrant plant (Portulaca sp.) |
TANE-TANE | A shrub (Polyscias multijuga) |
TAULOKO | A plant (Solanum sp.) |
TIALE | Flower (Gardenia taitensis) |
TII.1 | Plant sp. (Cordyline fruticosa [= terminalis]) |
TONO.2 | A plant (Geophila repens) |
TUTU.2 | A shrub (perhaps Colubrina asiatica) |
USI.1 | A shrub (Evodia [= Euodia] hortensis) |
VAVAE.* | Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) or plant producing similar fibre |
WAWAI | Plant sp., cotton (perhaps Gossypium hirsutum) |
42 entries found