Protoform: TANE-TANE [PN] A shrub (Polyscias multijuga)

Description: A shrub (Polyscias multijuga)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Tanetane vao A shrub (Polyscias multijuga) (Bgs)
East Uvea Tanetane Polyscias multijuga (Myr)
Fijian Danidani (Nothopanax fruticosum) and (N. multijugum) (Cpl)
Niue Tanetane, tatane Small tree (Polyscias guilfoylei). Also an introduced shrub (with green leaves with pink edges) (McE). (Sph)
Rennellese Tanetane A shrub; either (Delarbrea collina) or (Polyscias cunninghamii) (Ebt)
Rotuman Tantane Several kinds of bushes Problematic (Cwd)
Samoan Tanetane A shrub (Nothopanax samoense). Tanitani in Tutuila. (Prt)
Samoan Tagitagi Shrub (Nothopanax sp.) commonly used for hedges (Prt)
Tikopia Tanetane Shrub with large reddish leaves (Polyscias sp.) (Fth)
Tongan Tanetane A small tree (Polyscias multijuga) (Cwd)

10 entries found

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